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Juliet Pouillon
December 6, 2020 | Juliet Pouillon

We have a lot to be thankful for

This year, nearly all of our lives have been touched by tragedy and hardship. Now, as we enter winter, we are counting our blessings and remembering the bright moments of the past year. Our fond memories of friends and family are made all the more poignant by our distance and the difficult contortions we must go through to guarantee mutual safety. Instead of dwelling on what we can’t do, we’ve chosen to send this note of gratitude for the amazing experiences many of us shared...

This year, we are thankful for those closest to us.

Despite incredible lock-downs, working from home, and worries about health, our intrepid crew stayed with us through it all. They even mustered their brilliant sense of humor as we asked them to dress-up for this year’s staff photo-shoot we titled “Masquerade 2020.” Alexis even found his inner Molière as he added humor to the occasional drudgery of mask-wearing.

This year, we are thankful for the buoyancy of the natural world.

Looking up into a clear blue sky! No planes, no clouds. I honestly can’t remember a time when the sky was as clear and bright as it was in April. Then there was seeing the animals reclaim “our” spaces after only a short two-week period of lock-down. Spending this magical time with those closest to us was a sweet gift we’ll look back on and cherish.

This year, we are thankful for the magic of childhood.

Yes, working from home and teaching your kids at the same time is hard. We have been blessed with this hard work. In our life, there are two small people who have forced us to explain in simple terms, the complex issues of racism, disease, and politics. They have taught us the real difference between big and little worries. They have kept our minds in the present and our eyeballs off social media.



This year, we are thankful for you. 

Your willingness to flex and pivot - following us into the online world (for a short time!) and continuing to believe in our brand is really what has made 2020 a sensational year. In all honesty, when mid-March hit and closure was mandatory, we looked at each other and said, “Well, it’s been a good run.” Nonetheless, you have continued to surprise us and other small businesses in your ability to support the products and people that make up our communities. Yes, your support matters. Supporting each other and recognizing our shared humanity is the only thing that matters in this difficult time. When it’s time to re-open, don’t be surprised if the hugs are tight and we have tears in our eyes.

With deepest gratitude,

Alexis, Juliet, Teddi, Sara, Lorrie, Theresa, Jean-Pierre & Genevieve

Time Posted: Dec 6, 2020 at 1:59 PM Permalink to We have a lot to be thankful for Permalink
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